Various Lithography Ink Painting

Mirrored Halls, 1928-1930

Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
56 7/16 x 24 7/8, 16 1/18, 15 3/8 inches, each panel, triptych


 Roxy & Seligman Mirrors, Lalique Glass Planks
Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
60 x 49 inches variable, framed triptych


Werkstadt Rooms: Breuer, Gropius and Rohde, 1938-40
Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
10 x 6 15/16, 4 1/2, 7 13/16 inches, each panel, triptych


Interior Arrangement Screen (after Merode Altarpiece)
Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
24 x 36 inches, framed triptych


Bedroom Arrangement Screen
Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
9 3/8 x 7 inches


Newman Rooms: Dressing Rooms: Lily reich, Breuer

Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
12 3/8 x 9 5/8, 28 1/4, 8 1/2 inches, each panel, triptych


Staircase, Site of Union Militare
Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
14 x 9 3/8 inches


Various Ballpoint Ink Paintings


KAWAII / tête-à-tête