An ongoing series that grew out of two years of travel and research into architecture's light, air and openness movement and a rooted interest in home as asylum and healer. The paintings are a result of splicing and combining photographs I took during site visits to Richard Neutra's VDL Research House (Los Angeles), the Zonnestraal
Sanatorium (Netherlands), the Williamsburg Houses (Brooklyn) and vintage images from the Neutra Architectural firm (with thanks to Cal-Poly University's ENV Archives-Special Collections). The project is ever broadening, relevant and open ended as opportunities for site-visits are made possible and as people continue to search for a sense of safety and hope.
Public Housing: Private Lives, Ain, 1938
Lithography Ink on Vintage Tracing Cloth
20 x 16 inches
Private Home, Before and After The War, Mallet-Stevens, 1932
Lithography Ink on Vintage Tracing Cloth
20 x 16 inches
Wright, Looking Up
Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
12 x 12 inches
Wright, Downward Spiral
Lithography ink on vintage tracing cloth
12 x 12 inches
VDL Research House, Homatorium 1932-1966
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
Triptych 12x9, 12x9, 12x9 inches
Nuetra/Lescaze, Public Housing Private Home, Homatorium 1936-1938
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
Diptych 5x7, 5x5 inches
Lescaze, Public Housing Private Home, Homatorium 1936-38
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
Triptych 6x6, 6x4, 6x8 inches
Lescaze, Public/Private Between Walls, Homatorium
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
Diptych 8x8, 8x6 inches
Homatorium Series, Aalto, Public-Private
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
5 x 10 inches - 2 panels 5 x 3, 5 x 7 inches
Homatorium, H.F Mertens Public Bank
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
8 x 8 inches
Homatorium Series, Aalto-Neutra
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
4 x 10 inches - 2 panels 4 x 6 & 4 x 4 inches
Homatorium, Zonnestraal Hall
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
8 x 8 inches
Duiker, Neutra Homatorium
Lithography ink on fabric wrapped board
7.875 x 31.75 inches - 2 panels as dyptich: 7.875 x 9.875 & 7.875 x 21.875 inches